Friday, October 19, 2012

Sticky situations

Sometimes you are around people you love and they do stupid things. Tonight I was asleep in my best friends apartment and I awoke to a funny smell , when I actually was awake enough to realize what was going on I called my mom to come get me. They had been smoking weed and to some of you that may seem like no big deal. To me that is a huge deal. I have so much going for me in my future and I don't plan on ruining that for being in the wrong place at the wrong time. Because even if I wasn't doing it I would still be going to jail just for being there. For me I was worried to call my mom at first because it was 3 am and she has to get up to go to work in only a few short hours. But she was very glad and proud of me that I called her and got myself out of the situation. Its hard to tell your best friend that you don't want to be at her house and that you won't be going back over there for a long time. She didn't see a problem with what she was doing but she also didn't care about how i was feeling all she had to say was this is my house and ill do what ever i want to do. In saying that she told me that she doesn't care about how her best friend felt. Anyways I guess what I am trying to say is that even if someone is your best friend don't be scared to let them know when they are doing things they shouldn't be but also don't be afraid to call your parents in sticky times like these. I don't know how your parents are but I though my mom would be furious that I called her at the time that I did but really she just kept telling me how proud of me she was. If you don't think you can call your parents call a friend and have them come get you. If you don't want to hurt your friends feelings then step aside to call you parents and when you walk back tell them that your mom/dad or whoever is coming to get you because they want you home or come up with a different excuse as long as it is believable. But if you don't want to be there because they are doing things they shouldn't be do whatever it takes to get out of the situation. Like I walked home at 5 am from my friends apartment one night because they were doing things that I didn't want to be around. Granted I only live about a half hour walk away from there. I guess what I am trying to say is besides get yourself out of situations like that. I want you all to know that your not alone when it comes to not wanting to drink underage or smoke illegal substances even if all your friends are doing it. Because it doesn't make you cool , it doesn't make you anything but stupid. And I am sorry if have offended anyone that does that kinda stuff. Actually no im not , any who I hope that what I have said can help at least one of you have the courage to do the right thing.

Love you all

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